Primary Investigators

Emily Falk, PhD, Principal Investigator

Danielle Bassett, PhD, Co-PI

Peter Mucha, PhD, Co-PI
Dr. Mucha is a Professor of Mathematics and Applied Physical Sciences at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is an internationally recognized expert in applied mathematical methods for data analysis and network science. Within network science, he is a leader in the study of community detection and multilayer networks, having led the development of the very first principled generalization of community detection to multilayer networks and numerous enhancements since. His group activities are fundamentally interdisciplinary, with collaborations on varied topics across the mathematical, physical, life, and social sciences.

Kevin Ochsner, PhD, Co-PI
Dr. Ochsner is a Professor of Psychology at Columbia University. His research interests include the psychological and neural processes involved in emotion and self-control. All of his work employs a social cognitive neuroscience approach that seeks to integrate the theories and methods of social psychology on the one hand, and cognitive neuroscience on the other.
Study Team

Nicole Cooper
Research Director
Annenberg School for Communication

Bruce Doré
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Annenberg School for Communication

Chelsea Helion
Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Psychology

Mia Jovanova
Graduate Student
Annenberg School for Communication

David Lydon-Staley
Post-Doctoral Researcher
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Silicia "Lolo" Lomax
Research Coordinator
Annenberg School for Communication

Emma Smith
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Department of Mathematics

Ovidia Stanoi
Graduate Student
Department of Psychology

Dr. Wendy Mendes
Department of Psychiatry
University of California San Francisco

Dr. Philip Muskin
Department of Psychiatry
Columbia University Medical Center

Ralf Schmäelzle
College of Communication Arts and Sciences
Michigan State University